Perineal massage – the gentle stretching of a woman’s perineum – has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of perineal injuries during childbirth and improving postpartum pelvic floor function. A new study has looked at the relative benefits of perineal massage...
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Folate deficiency and male infertility
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
The importance of folic acid in female fertility is well documented. Not surprisingly, new supportive research from Iran’s Isfahan University of Medical Sciences has highlighted the importance of folate levels in male fertility as well. The study found that males with sufficient serum folate...
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Probiotics as treatment for endometriosis-related infertility
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
The role a healthy microbiome plays in fertility and pregnancy maintenance is a favourite subject of mine, as seen in many prior blog posts and my online pregnancy course. New research from Ukraine’s Bukovinian State Medical University has taken a deeper look specifically at...
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The potential of melatonin as a supplement in pregnancy
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
Melatonin supplementation is a frequent recommendation for fertility preservation – well supported by research due to its antioxidant effects on preserving egg quality. Now, evidence from international studies is focusing on the important role melatonin also plays in implantation rates, fetal health and pregnancy...
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IV vs oral iron treatment outcomes in anemic pregnancies
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
As I have shared in prior blog posts and in my online pregnancy program, it is essential to treat iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy, when iron demands are higher – especially in the second and third trimesters. Anemia in pregnancy increases the risk of difficult outcomes...
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Sperm DNA integrity and IVF outcomes: more to consider
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
Male fertility is a complex issue, especially when coupled with IVF procedures. Beyond standard sperm analysis (count, shape and motility), analyzing the integrity of the DNA insider the sperm cells – using the DNA Fragmentation Index, or DFI, is a topic that I’m seeing...
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Menopausal symptoms in women with a history of infertility
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
The groundbreaking American Project Viva longitudinal study, which has been following pregnant women and their children since 1999, has released new data into the midlife effects of women in their study who have a history of infertility. The study found that women with infertility...
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Pre-pregnancy plant-based diets and risk of hypertension in pregnancy
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
The importance of good nutrition during pregnancy cannot be stressed enough. A new prospective cohort study has followed over 11,000 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II (with its predecessor, the Nurses’ Health Study, among the largest investigations into the risk factors for major...
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Glycemic index, glycemic load, dietary inflammatory index, and risk of infertility in women
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
Studies into the links between glycemic index and fertility are not new. The connection between high insulin levels and disruptions in hormone levels (particularly testosterone in the case of PCOS) is well documented. Now, a new study has expanded the nutrition question to include...
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Air pollution and early miscarriage
Bi-weekly pregnancy tip
A new study from China has explored an issue of rapidly increasing importance: the effects of air pollution on early miscarriage rates. The study followed pregnant women in Nanjing, China, where the annual mean concentrations of air pollutants are three times higher than the...
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